A Calculated Mess

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The Beginning...

Let's get right down to it. I love art. Like, I LOVE IT. I always have. In fact, I can't remember a time in my life when I wanted to be anything other than an artist or creator. As a kid I always imagined that I'd grow up to be an art teacher, admiring all those that taught me along the way- including my mom and grandmother. 

My mom isn't an "artist" but she is SO creative, and I always looked up to her, especially as a kid- how did she color inside the lines so well?? I was so envious! She encouraged me all the way, and I know how lucky I am to have had a mother who didn't try to change my mind when I wanted to go to college for art. I'm sure she was worried that I wouldn't be able to find a job with that career (she was right), but knew I wouldn't be happy studying anything else (also right).

My first memories of art with my Grandmother were from her Cherry Hill home. This house was huge! It had to be to hold my Grandmother, Grandfather and their TEN KIDS! It had one of those first floor layouts where you could run in a circle through the living room, then the dining room, then the kitchen, around the hallway, and back into the living room. My sister and I were known to run in opposite directions from the living room, meet up in the kitchen, burst into a fit of giggles, and circle back to the living room, just to do it again. 

Grandmom and Pop-Pop's home- so many memories here!


This is also where all the family Christmas parties used to be held. With ten kids, their spouses, and their kids, it was definitely a party! It was at these parties (as well as visits during the year), that we’d make our way downstairs to the basement to see what kind of masterpieces we could create on the clay bust that Grandmom had down there- it never seemed to dry out. We’d smush the nose, smooth out the sides, scratch and carve at it, until we were bored or hungry (I’m assuming anyway).

I don't really know how it happened, but I ended up acquiring some of my Grandmother's art supplies when I went to college (according to my mom, I got them when I was still in high school!). I used some of them throughout my four years, and then they made their way into storage until just recently when I started unpacking boxes to fill my craft room in my house (a DREAM I've always had!). I don't think I realized how special they were until now. 

These art supplies have been touched by two generations of Facchines...

I thought about the history of these supplies, and how the companies have changed since then. I found some interesting things. Poster Chalk, for example, was bought at a store called Two Guys that's been defunct since 1982. That's the year I was born! And the Alphacolor Char-Kole that was purchased for $2.99 at the time is now almost $12 on Amazon. 

So. Much. Chalk.

She even signed one of the boxes! She must have gone by Cathy during this time, but most call her Kate now. 

You'd never get this for $4.99 today!

So I was lucky enough to have received not only these amazing supplies from my Grandmother, but I also raided the art closet of my high school and took all the oil paints my hands could carry! (Thinking back on how much paint I used, I think I should have made two trips! #allthatfreepaintandIleftitbehind). This, though, is a post for another day.

Thank you so much for sticking around to hear my beginnings- I can’t wait to go on this journey!