Pandemics, Paintings, and Planning

It’s been a couple months- a bit of a fail on my part, I get that. Making time to sit down and work on my website it A LOT harder than I thought it would. Here I am thinking I’ll have all the time in the world to sit down and express my thoughts weekly, and nope- it's been HARD. 

And yet, here I am- trying again. So let's see what's going on with me. 

What am I thinking about?  

Right now I'm thinking about what everyone else is thinking about- the Corona virus, and how it's affecting EVERYONE and EVERYTHING in the world. Literally the craziest thing, right? It's new for us all, and we're all taking it one day at a time. It's all we can do. 

Luckily, my boyfriend and I are "essential" and still have our jobs full time. Since the kiddos are home from school and daycare, we've been alternating weeks off to stay home with them. It's been such an interesting experience- half stay at home mom/teacher; half essential warehouse worker. I realize how lucky we are- not everyone is as fortunate. I'm taking advantage of the time as best I can. We're taking lots of walks (thank goodness for warmer weather!), and I'm spending tons of quality time with my family. 

I know so many people are going through tough times right now, and my heart hurts for all of them. We are trying to do our part to help while also staying home as often as possible to flatten the curve. Our once a week grocery shopping trips feel both stressful and a luxury, and we are tipping more than usual when we order delivery (which is also MORE THAN NORMAL).

No one knows when this will be over... it's a nerve wracking time for sure. 

One day at a time- that's all we can do. 


What am I working on? 

I am fourteen days into The 100 Day Project. If you're not sure what that is, check out Simply put, you pick a challenge (art related or not- doesn't matter!) and commit to doing it every day for 100 days, posting daily on social media with the hashtag #the100dayproject. 

People usually come up with a hashtag of their own that works with their personal project. This year, I chose #100mixedmediascribbles - I'm working on playing with abstract painting while also experimenting with the TONS of supplies I bought at ACMoore during their closing. 

It's been the most amazing project! Even though we're only just over a tenth of the way through, I'm loving the way my work is going and have even had some inquiries for sales! 


I am keeping my work the same size, 6"x9" (I think that's the size?) and am letting myself just PLAY! I love the smaller size because it doesn't feel overwhelming, and I commit to 15 minutes each night. If I go longer than that, great! If I stop at 15 minutes, great! It's about getting the work done each day, regardless of the outcome. 

I look for inspiration in photos, nature, and my every day life. Sometimes I open the windows and just LISTEN to what's happening outside, other times it's 9:30 at night and I'm just trying to get it done #truth. 

After just two weeks, I'm super in love with my progress and can't wait to see what the next 85 days bring!


What am I reading? 

I've been reading a little bit of this, a little bit of that... I haven't been able to commit to a single book right now, but aim every day to spend SOME time reading. 

Currently, I'm:

-catching up on my magazines (in her studio, Where Women Create, HGTV, DIY magazine, Reader's Digest- SO MANY MAGAZINES, but I love them all and read them all so it's not a waste of money for me)

-finishing up Big Dreams, Daily Joys by Elise Cripe. Elise is such an inspiration to me- she just does it all! I have her book as well as her planner, Get To Work Book, and have been pretty good about keeping track of my things and keeping myself accountable for finishing them. 

-giving The Virgin Suicides an honest shot. I read the first chapter and couldn't follow all of it, but I want to give it a couple more chapters before I give up. I'm not one that HAS to finish a book just because I started it. I'd rather ditch it and move on to another book I'll LOVE and can't put down.

Basically the theme I’m working with until all of this is over is “lower your expectations”. It sounds counterintuitive, right? But it’s actually been so freeing! Imagine not stressing over getting something done, kids eating three healthy, balanced meals, keeping the house spotless, etc? Saying- today I will get done what I can, and BE OKAY WITH IT. Try it if you haven’t- it’s the best!