Resolutions for 2024

Happy New Year, she says 13 days into the new year.

Have you decided on a New Year’s Resolution? I have not and let me tell you why…

First of all, I’m TERRIBLE at keeping resolutions. I always go over the top, wanting to change ALL THE THINGS at once, knowing VERY well that I will not be able to keep up with all the different things I’ve committed to.

So this year, I’m resolving to NOT make a resolution - at least not yet. I read somewhere that just like trees and bears hibernate in the winter, we should take the colder months to slow down, rest, and reset. January is not the month to be making big changes in our lives. It is a time to hide away from the cold and snow (if you’re lucky enough to get snow - as of yet Central Jersey has not been so lucky), snuggle up with a book or hobby, maybe purge some stuff that’s no longer bringing you joy.

This is the extent of our snow so far this year, but LOOK AT THE SNOWFLAKES!!

I do have creative GOALS for 2024, and will be working slowly towards them this year. I do have a pretty decent stretch goal of make a brand for myself so I’m excited to see how that works out!

Please make 2024 the year you do something for YOU, and make January the month you rest. Resolutions can wait.

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