A New Beginning

I love the idea of consistency. The same thing, in the same format, on the same day, every week.

I’ve also been working on trying to figure out what this blog is meant for. While I do think it’s for me to get my thoughts out, I hope that it’ll be beneficial to you. Hearing what I’m all about will maybe help ME figure out what I’M all about!

I’ll be doing this weekly, using the same format:

  • What am I working on?

  • What am I thinking about?

  • What am I reading/listening to?

For now, I’m loving this format. Maybe it’ll change in the future, maybe this’ll be how it is forever (probably not).


What am I working on?

When I first started listening to podcasts, I heard one from London Kaye on the Etsy Conversations Podcast. She is a yarn artist, and the thing that stuck out to me is that when she was just getting started, she knitted hundreds of hearts. Hundreds. Maybe thousands? She gave them out to strangers, and left them out for people to take. It was an amazing business move, but more than that, it was a great way to bring the tiniest bit of joy to another human.

Each heart has a tag on it that says, “This heart was crocheted for you. Take one and pass it on. @madebylondon

Each heart has a tag on it that says, “This heart was crocheted for you. Take one and pass it on. @madebylondon

I felt that in 2019- felt that a lot of people I know have had a tough year, and thought it would be so nice to share something small with them in a similar way. A way to show them they are not alone and that they are loved.

I’m working on a similar project with the same kindness in mind. I’ll share more when I have a more concrete plan.

What am I thinking about?

I’m thinking about the difference between an artist, a maker, and a crafter. Three different names for, what could be, the same person?

Here are the official definitions:

artist: a person who produces paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby.
maker: a person or thing that makes or produces something.
crafter: a person who makes things by hand.

Why can’t one person be all three things? Don’t they all do the same thing? Don’t they all SELF EXPRESS in some way?

I don’t know if I’d call myself an artist. I don’t feel like one – but maybe that’s because my art college background told me I needed to be sophisticated and fancy and use big words and think conceptually to be an “artist”. I don’t talk philosophically about my work (maybe I should), but I know WHY I  make it, and I can tell you in simple terms:

I make art to make myself and other people feel happiness. Colors mean a lot to me, and they are a consistent, proven way to make people FEEL. I strive to show others that ANYONE can make art, even if they don’t have a background or any experience in it. I hope one day to teach others how to find the creativity that I KNOW is in everyone. 

In art college, I remember standing in front of my art peers, showing my thesis work. It was three paper pieces that I made as a symbol for missing my sister who was deployed in Iraq. I (foolishly) framed them because “all artwork should be framed”, but it only flattened the work that I worked hard to give dimension to. I was scared and nervous, and I couldn’t think of anything to say except, “ I miss my sister” .  I did have one kind friend who reminded me to talk about HOW I made the pieces (thank you Janette), and I had a bit more to say, but not much. 

Everyone in the class was openly appreciative of this, thanking me because they were bored sitting there listening to everyone talk about their work and were happy to be through it quicker, but I was embarrassed that I didn’t  “speak art” and felt like the biggest faker (what I now know to be imposter syndrome) ever. 

That was 2005. And it took me thirteen years to seriously pick up a brush (this time a “brush pen” for lettering) again.

I am ashamed and embarrassed that it took so long to get back to it, and that I didn’t stay with it to begin with. Something that made me SO happy. Something that I never considered NOT doing, especially as a career. And I just stopped. Just like that. 

Now, in 2019, a year after I “got back into it”, I’ve tried hand lettering, blind drawing, painting, mark making, ornament making, chalkboard wedding sign making, and keychain making.

The “crafter” in me says that as long as in do something other than painting or drawing, then I’m not a “real” artist, so I must be a crafter. I’m definitely not as prolific and cultured as an artist, so being called a crafter seems to fit me better. It feels more comfortable, but also makes me feel like I may not be taken as seriously. Can a crafter make paintings, or are they stuck making macaroni art and scrapbooking?

I do like the word “maker.” It seems like an all-encompassing word that covers everything. Someone who makes or produces something- that sounds like me. I make paintings, keychains, ornaments, drawings, sometimes I sew, I definitely use a lot of hot glue and paper towels.

I wonder if the word that you use for yourself if more of a feeling. I am a trained artist, with a love of all things arts and crafts, who just wants to make stuff. I’m someone who makes a lot of things, who tries different media with no intention of sticking with one until I find something that speaks to me and that I love. I do feel a bit like a crafter, but not in a “ get a table at the local fair” kind of way (not that there is anything wrong with that if that’s your jam! I’d probably go crazy sitting behind a table for that many hours!). More like a “how can I use all the skills that I have to make this one piece truly unique?”

So artist- crafter- maker: could I be all of them? I think I can, so maybe I’ll have to come up with my own name for what I do. Let me think on that and I’ll get back to you.

What am I listening to?


I’ve been obsessed! Lots of art podcasts with some DIY/comedy/kid-friendly ones mixed in. I’ve not been listening to music lately so I’ve been able to keep up with so many of these. It’s really helped keep my mind in the art world since I don’t really have too much of that around me. I typically use Stitcher, but use Apple Podcasts when a podcast I really want to listen to isn’t on Stitcher yet.

Here are my Stitcher Podcasts:


And here is my playlist for Apple Podcasts. Most of these I just found and haven’t listened to, but the reviews have been really good so I’m excited to give them a try!.


2019 was a really creative year for me, and it’s just the beginning. I can’t wait to see what 2020 brings!

See you next week <3

Jessica FacchineComment