20 of 20 in 2020; say what??

Yay, you’re here! (I AM happy you’re here, but I grabbed this phrase from the new welcome mat we just bought. It’s perfection).

What am I working on?

I’m not good at resolutions. I’m just not. I say I’m going to make them, and as soon as I do, my mind and body revolt, and I literally do the TOTAL OPPOSITE of what I wanted to achieve. Eat less junk? Snack on Hershey’s kisses all day, two days later. Work out? Go to the gym three times before “it’s too crowded”, and I’m feeling sorry for myself so I stop going.

I’m just terrible at them.

But this year feels a bit different, so I’m going for it. My original goal was to read 20 books this year. A super simple goal since part of those 20 books include the four or five books that I’ve started and not finished. I said, “oh, how fun. I’ll read 20 books in 2020.”

And with that, the gears started turning. 20 in 2020? I thought, if I can read 20 books over the course of a year, why can’t I do a few OTHER things 20 times over the year? 19 other things, in fact.

And that’s how “20 of 20 in 2020” was born.

Screen Shot 2020-01-11 at 9.18.12 PM.png

I am having a great time with this because, for me, it’s not ONE resolution that I have to stick with ALL year.

It’s a series of smaller goals that I can focus on each day and work towards. The end goal is personal development on some level, of course. I’m always aiming to be a better human. This type of challenge feels more fun and interesting, so I won’t get bored with it and find excuses to not work on it. Not feeling the $1 spend day? No worries- spend as much as you want, but maybe pay for a strangers coffee today. Boom! Done.

I’ll be keeping track as much as I can on IG stories (some things I may choose not to share photos of, but will definitely NOTE that I did them!), so stay tuned throughout the year for that. I’ve already gotten through 10 already so I’m off to a great start!

What are your goals/resolutions this year?

What am I thinking about?

The latest Creative Pep Talk Podcast! Good LORD it’s a good one! Called, “20 Surprising and Super Powerful Prompts That Will Make 2020 The Year You Do Your Best Work Ever!”, it TOTALLY delivered! I am so inspired by Andy’s work and podcast every freakin’ week, but THIS one?? This one got me! I can’t wait to listen to it again.

The section that really stuck out to me was talking about this idea of bringing attention to the things that no one pays attention to. The idea that by making work that focuses on something you want people to pay attention to, they’ll be forced to pay attention to it.

What are your pain points? What are the things that bug you every day but you can’t get away from? Make work about that.

What are the tiny things in your life that bring you so much joy, but no one else seems to notice? Make work about that!

This sparked an idea for me that I’ll be thinking about and working on in the next couple weeks/months, and I can’t wait to see what happens with it.

Andy J. Pizza, the MASTER of the Creative Pep Talk!

Andy J. Pizza, the MASTER of the Creative Pep Talk!

What am I reading/listening to?

Part of my “read 20 books in 2020” was finishing books that I started but didn’t finish. I’ve already finished “Girl, Wash Your Face” by Rachel Hollis. A great personal development book that is SO easy to read- I definitely recommend it.

Now I’m finishing a book that I first heard about on the Young House Love Podcast. It’s called “Joyful” by Ingrid Fetell Lee. Based on the notion of finding joy in the environment around us, Ingrid goes to various places in the world where color and shape have changed the way people view their cities, homes, and even prisons. I am a big fan of color theory and what color can do to people’s emotions, so this is such a great read for me! I’m about halfway through and am really learning a lot about how color and shape can affect us.


It also happened to be a signed copy, so I know this book touched her hands! and I don’t know if you can tell because of the angle, but the cover (not the dust jacket) is straight confetti. It’s just amazing and I love it.

Thanks for reading! I hope you all enjoy your weekend, and I’ll see you next week <3 <3 <3

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