Emotions, Elements, and Elections


What am I thinking about?

I admit that I’ve been in a bit of a slump lately. I was spoiled with my time off over the summer while I had to watch the kiddos – I got so much done! Reading! Art! Cleaning and laundry! It was amazing!

Now, Junior and I have been back to work full time for about seven weeks now, and I’ve noticed a huge dip in my creativity. I feel like I have no time or energy to do anything creative, and I’m honestly wondering how the hell I managed to make a piece of work every day during the 100 day challenge at the beginning of this whole pandemic!

I know every creative goes through a rut from time to time, and there are SO many ways to get out of it, but right now, I don’t want to hear any of them. Right now I just want to do nothing. I know it’s not the right thing to do. I get it. The weather doesn’t help either. I definitely get a little bit of a seasonal depression when the colder seasons come. And then there’s the election.

I guess there’s a lot going on here. 

What am I working on? 

I have been working on some drawings for my Mood Tracker project- mostly on my lunch breaks. A couple years ago, I started doing mood tracking with Kay as a way to try to track her emotions on a daily basis and see if I could figure out patterns to why she would be more grumpy from one day to the next. We’ve moved away from that more, but I like to think that someone else could benefit from it so I’m working on some printable PDFs with lots of ideas and instructions on how to best use them for your kiddos (or yourself!). 

Now if I could just figure out how to make a damn perfect circle in Procreate….

I am still working on this library- I finished the back and I love it!


I have one more element to finish up on the side, and then I can seal it. I think pretty soon the ground is going to be too cold to dig 18” for the post, so we better get on it! It just needs one more thing on the side and a good seal to protect from the elements and then we’re good to go! Fingers crossed next weekend we’ll get this up and running!

I did at least finish putting resin on my keychains (win!!) so now it’s just a matter of assembling those bad boys so I can sell them!

One day at a time, guys. It’s just about going one day at a time.

What am I reading/listening to?

I’ve been listening and reading to all the election coverage. I’m definitely overwhelmed, anxious, worried about the future of the country.

I have already voted- have you?

The next couple weeks are sure to be stressful for lots of people. Let’s all just try to remember that we are a team. We cannot make the world better if we can’t figure out how to get along.

One day at a time.

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